Following an incident involving significant property damage caused inside a very popular West Chester restaurant, our client was hit with a felony criminal case, along with public outcry in support of the local business. In addition, the incident was recorded on video, providing clear evidence of the events that took place (image blurred to preserve anonymity). The client was looking at significant jail time in addition to jeopardizing his current and future career prospects due to the severity of the charges. He turned to Omnis Law Group and partner C. Curtis Norcini to represent him in the criminal case. Advocating on behalf of his client, Mr. Norcini was able to secure the dismissal of all felony charges with a plea to only one misdemeanor charge. Rather than a receiving a significant jail sentence, the client was sentenced to three years of probation, compliance with a rehabilitative program, and restitution for the damage caused. This result was obtained by zealous advocacy of Mr. Norcini in the best interest of the client, creating a route for not only rehabilitation and restitution, but also a secured social and professional reputation for the client. Of course, this great result produced yet another incredibly happy and satisfied client.
Should you or someone that you know be in the need of legal services related to a criminal case, the attorneys at the Omnis Law Group, LLC are here to help. You can contact the firm online or call 484-81-OMNIS to set up your free consultation.