If there has been actual or threatened physical abuse including the placing of another in reasonable fear of bodily injury by stalking or otherwise, a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order may be sought through the Court of Common Pleas. Only certain persons may file such as spouses, former spouses, family or household members, and current or former sexual/intimate partners.

A PFA order can provide for the eviction of an abusing person from a jointly-occupied residence and also prohibit contact for a time period of up to three years. An order under Pennsylvania’s PFA law could also award custody of any minor children and payment of spousal support and child support on a temporary basis pending a formal hearing in support court.

The attorneys of Omnis Law Group, LLC can assist you with the process of initiating a Protection from Abuse (PFA) action and then represent you in the final hearing on your petition. Additionally, our experienced attorneys can defend your rights if you stand accused of domestic violence and are the subject of a PFA filing. Call Omnis Law Group, LLC now to discuss your rights and options.